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Monday, June 3, 2013

Kale and Tomato Salad with Roasted Asaparagus

Summer is almost here! This dish I’ve made a little fusion of late spring and early summer with a faint throwback into a Mexican influence. I got most of these ingredients at local farm stands, so hopefully you can as well. Don’t feel like you have to adhere to this particular format of ingredients either, any hearty lettuce or softer dark-leafy green will work fine in this recipe.
This is fresh, delicious and a great “Meatless Monday” option (I would throw some beans on there to increase the protein) or side salad. Feel free to omit any spices or the cilantro. I’d substitute the cilantro with dill or parsley if you aren’t a cilantro person. I’ve also enjoyed this with a nice piece of pan seared fish or baked chicken. Top with some grated cheese for extra sexy points.
Whatever you chose to do with it, Enjoy!

Kale and tomato salad with roasted asparagus
1 Bunch Lacinato Kale
1 Bunch asparagus
2 Tomatoes (sliced into 8ths)
1 Juice and zest of lime
2 Tablespoons olive oil
¼ Cup pickled red onion
½ Bunch watercress
¼ Cup Chive (cut thin)
¼ Cup Cilantro (rough chop)
½ teaspoon smoked sweet paprika
½ teaspoon garlic
½ teaspoon chili powder
½ teaspoon cumin (whole preferably)

  1. Wash ALL produce (Learn more here)
  2. Take spices and combine in container
  3. Toss asparagus in olive oil and place in oven (preheated at 400). Allow to roast for five to seven minutes, or until tender.
  4. While asparagus is roasting, cut kale into fork size (about two inches) and put into large mixing bowl
  5. Take tomatoes and core them (cut out the brown part on the top). Slice into 12ths if you have a big tomato 8ths if it is small. Place into large mixing bowl
  6. Combine remaining ingredients into bowl and toss to incorporate.
  7. Asparagus should be ready by now, or already done. Once removed from oven and cooled, cut on a bias into two inch strips. Add to bowl if you are serving family style. Keep Asparagus separate if you’re going to be plating. 

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